Yes, you can also get PA Hire in Hull from Hairy Monster Audio!
We have a rig that is substantial enough to rock any venue up to 600 people with 10KW of appendix-wobbling power!
We have the big names you expect – Tannoy, RCF and JBL speakers, Shure, AKG and Rode mics, plus Studiomaster and Hill Audio amplifiers.
If that wasn’t enough, we have the latest cutting edge digital technology including wireless digital mixing which can apply as much processing as you want:
Compression, gates, delays, reverbs, chorus – more processing than you can shake a stick at!
You can even download an app to your smartphone and use it to control your own monitor!
More importantly, Adrian, our resident engineer has been in the business over thirty years and brings all that experience to your gig for a first class, quality mix.
All this at a price that will make your eyes pop out, call 07810097929 for unbeatable rates. Hiring a PA in Hull was never so easy or low-priced!
Adrian is also available for for freelance engineering work – always an asset when you need experience combined with a great mix!
Call Adrian now to make a booking or to make an enquiry – 07810097929
Click for Wedding Sound System Hire
..or you can email us if you prefer!